The Wolf of Derevnya: Character Profiles

Most of the villagers of Derevnya are ordinary peasants going about their lives. One of them is a monster. Can you divine which one?

Note: A bogatyr is an epic hero from Russian legend.

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Lord Godemir
Father Cyril
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Age: 30
Role: Innkeeper
Description: She has a kind but careworn face, auburn hair slipping from under her cap. Looking past her work-roughened hands, she can’t be more than thirty. Those eyes, though. There’s something in those distant eyes, like she’s seen empires rise and fall.


Danger Lines
“You’re just in time for dinner.” “Don’t go too far.” “Stay calm. Everything will be all right.”
“How’s your leg doing?” “Taking your sword? Honestly. What are you expecting?” “Maybe it’s only a beast.”

Lord Godemir

Age: 50
Role: Boyar (Knight)
Description: He’s a man of fifty, his dark beard streaked with gray. His hat and embroidered kaftan are trimmed with marten fur. A scar sweeps across his cheek and forehead, narrowly missing his eye.


Danger Lines
“So you’re the bogatyr everyone is talking about.” “Our village is yours.” “If it can enter consecrated ground, what can stop it?”
“What can I do for you?” “God be with you, bogatyr.” “No one is going to die tonight.”

Father Cyril

Age: 64
Role: Priest
Description: A priest sits on a bench by the door, poring over a codex with a cracked leather cover. A curly gray beard falls down his chest, and he has a kindly face with crinkles around the corners of his eyes. His cassock is well-worn but tidy.


Danger Lines
“Oh! I didn’t see you there.” “Go with God.” “Don’t believe those pagan superstitions.”
“What can I do for you, my child?” “Don’t forget about those reading lessons!” “God save us, your servants.”


Age: 18
Role: Shepherdess
Description: The shepherdess is pale and freckly, her long braids fastened in two loops behind her ears. Her pale eyes never seem to be looking at anything in particular.


Danger Lines
“Sursurrus of wind on branches, a stranger approaches.” “Set your feet on solid earth, Rockfall.” “Moon’s breath slips through the cracks.”
“Rockfall again.” “Watch yourself. I taste fire soot out there.” “Shhh! Bark touches stone. Smell of a heart pumping hot blood.”


Age: 7
Role: Village child
Description: He’s all elbows and knees, with a snub nose and two permanent teeth kitty-corner in the front of his mouth.


Danger Lines
“Hey, bogatyr!” “I always get left behind.” “I am a wild beast. Nothing can harm me.”
“I’m up here!” “Are you off on an adventure?” “Kill it with your great sword!”

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